Aging Year In Recuperating Review

It has truly been an eventful year for all of us, 2016! There were politics, financial challenges to medical coverage and grocery budgets, and aging issues as usual. Frankly, I was so busy trying to take care of Don, Big Boy the dog, and me, there was little time to write. But, I couldn’t let the whole year go by without posting something here. (Please see me on too)

Looking back  over the year, the biggest standout was caring for my husband Don after he had major surgery. He is perfectly fine now, and even back to teaching tennis! The issue was that he had never before been under general anesthesia, and was he ever a “big baby” about it. As a person in the business of caring, that may sound callous but he drove me crazy the week before the surgery. A cautionary note to wives everywhere. He even developed an imaginary illness the day before the surgery and the doctor told him he was fine after he insisted on getting a last-minute appointment. However, his fear was real, especially to him. As one who has undergone several surgeries during my lifetime, there is always risk with any surgery. One friend died after having hand surgery, and another went in for back surgery and came out a paraplegic, so he had good reason to fear.

Patience is a virtue of course and when taking care of your spouse you will have plenty of virtuous behavior. Recognize that the fear is real and empathize. I just kept smiling and took over all the chores because that is what we do as loving wives. He had double-hernia surgery along with another procedure and couldn’t lift anything while recuperating. So I did it all and so will you when, or if, the time comes. He may have to do it for you too. I kept remembering how great he had been with me. Many times. We came through it just fine. I am so thankful every day for my loving husband of over 35 years. I appreciate him even more now that I finally was without his whole strong being for awhile. Silently, understanding and thinking about the aging process, thoughts of what may/will come entered my mind.

So, I say goodbye to 2016’s politics, financial troubles, aging issues.  Hug your husbands. There will be a new start in 2017, and I am thankful.